HoboBandy's Devlog

HoboBandy's Devlog

Python Development Flow (2023 Wrapup)

yearly wrapup

As part of my software development passion, I research and discover new tools, libraries, and industry standards to learn new professional skills and habits. This is a short wrapup of this year’s changes to my Python development workflow, and an initial plan for 2024.


Development Tools

  • Notepad++ Visual Studio Code
    • SFTP Extension (auto-upload on save)
    • Markdown All in One (preview pane)
  • Pipenv pdm Poetry
  • MobaXterm

Top Packages

My projects usually involve a web interface, interacting with APIs, or capturing and processing network packets. Whenever I need to create databases, Peewee keeps things simple enough that it’s become a favorite over other ORMs.

New Packages

These are my highlights from new packages employed this year. For some odd reason, I’ve been dreading using asyncio, while repeatedly using multiprocessing and threading! Black sparked my interest in implementing more tools and packages to enforce typing/styling standards.

2024 (Initial Plan)

The goal for 2024 is to implement libraries and packages that improve my development workflow, code performance, and user experience. Some are also industry standards I want to familirize myself with.